- Mathematical Brain Teasers (35 questions in 6 minutes)
- Aptitude (15 questions in 15 minutes)
- Finance
- Trading
- Current affairs in the share market
Apart from the above skills, one needs to be good in numbers, decision making problem solving, and interpretation.
Round 1: Game Round
- A trading game of buying and selling is played between the selected students.
Game Example: There is a 100 rupee note consisting of 6 digits and you have to figure out the total of it.
- You have to buy total numbers and sell respectively and after every 2 minutes HR will declare a digit so you have to predict the number by using probability and make a profit
Round 2: General Round
- Situation-Based Questions - Any instance of risk-taking ability and pressure handling?
- Calculation speed questions e.g. 87*113, Cube Root of 7 etc..
Round 3: HR Round
- Tell me about a time you had a difficult situation at work.
- What does work-life balance mean to you?
- Does money matter to you a lot?
- Courses Preferred: Capital markets (Khan academy)